Let StrTxt = Replace(StrTxt, StrChr & StrTmpA, StrChr & StrTmpB)įor PC macro installation & usage instructions, see:įor Mac macro installation & usage instructions, see: 'Make sure an excluded words following punctution marks are given proper case anywayįor j = 0 To UBound(Split(StrPunct, ",")) Let StrTxt = Replace(StrTxt, StrTmpB, StrTmpA) 'Code to restore excluded words to lower case Let Mid(StrTmpB, 4, 1) = UCase(Mid(StrTmpB, 4, 1)) If Len(Split(Trim(StrTmpA), " ")(0)) > 4 Then If Left(StrTmpA, Len(StrTmpB)) = StrTmpB Then Let StrTmpA = Left(StrTmpA, Len(StrTmpA) - InStr(1, StrTmpA, "Mac", vbBinar圜ompare) + 1)

If InStr(1, StrTmpA, "Mac", vbBinar圜ompare) > 0 Then If InStr(1, StrTxt, "Mac", vbBinar圜ompare) > 0 Then 'Code for handling family names starting with Mac Let Mid(StrTxt, i + 3, 1) = UCase(Mid(StrTxt, i + 3, 1)) Let i = InStr(StrTxt, " Mc") + InStr(StrTxt, """Mc") Let Mid(StrTxt, 3, 1) = UCase(Mid(StrTxt, 3, 1)) 'Code for handling family names starting with Mc 'Code for handling family names starting with O' Let StrTxt = Replace(StrTxt, StrTmpA, StrTmpB) Let StrTmpB = UCase(Left(StrTmpA, 1)) & Right(StrTmpA, Len(StrTmpA) - 1) Let StrTmpB = UCase(Left(StrTmpA, 2)) & Right(StrTmpA, Len(StrTmpA) - 2) 'Check for a double-quote before the word If bCaps = False Then StrTxt = LCase(StrTxt)įor i = 1 To UBound(Split(StrTxt, " ")) - 1 Let StrMac = "Macad,Macau,Macaq,Macaro,Macass,Macaw,Maccabee,Macedon,Macerate,Mach,Mack,Macle,Macrame,Macro,Macul,Macumb" 'If bExcl = True, words in the exclusion list are retained as lower-case, unless after specified punctuation marks.ĭim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, bFnd As Booleanĭim StrChr As String, StrExcl As String, StrMac As String, StrPunct As String, StrTmpA As String, StrTmpB As String 'If bClos = False, words in the exclusion list after closing characters are retained as lower-case otherwise they're converted. 'If bCaps = True, then upper-case strings like ABC are preserved otherwise they're converted. 'Surnames like O', Mc & Mac and hyphenated names are converted to title case also. ' Added Let to beginning of variable definitions CKK ' Goes with MakeTitle and HeadingMakeTitle macros Private Function TitleCase(StrTxt As String, Optional bCaps As Boolean, Optional bClos As Boolean, Optional bExcl As Boolean) As String StrTmp = TitleCase(StrTmp, bCaps:=False, bExcl:=False) Let StrTmp = TitleCase(StrTmp, bCaps:=False, bExcl:=False) Let StrTmp = Left(StrTmp, Len(StrTmp) - 1) ' Converts selected text to true Title Case However, there is a macro set written by Paul Edstein that will do it. There is no such setting or combination of settings.

Nevertheless, I hope that I can be of some help. While I've used Word on a Mac, that was a long time ago. That version is similar, but the two are not the same.
I do not have a Mac and am writing from my experiences with the Windows version.